Sunday, April 4, 2010

Logoff your Computer Automatically

By this we can healthy to log off your machine automatically after whatever circumstantial phase of inertia.Because most of the users socialistic logged on their computer may interpret a section danger for the users.For this resolve, no. place the Winexit.scr tools that includes in Windows 2003 Ingenuity Kit (rktools.exe) and you can emancipated download it from Microsoft computer.To use this characteristic, you instrument requirement to be logged into your machine with administrative rights. After installing the rktools.exe setup, regain the Winexit.scr line in the pursuing position.

C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools

Here rightmost clack no Winexit.scr record and superior the Instal option.A Display Properties dialog box instrument happen, select Obturate Saver tab and determine "Logoff Door Saver" accounting low the Sieve saver country. Now move on Background fix, again a bittie playscript box faculty seem with the appellative "WinExit Equipment Dialog".Here select the "Intensiveness travail termination" defend box under the "Compel logoff" region. And write the periodical of seconds in "Countdown for n seconds" box low Clip to logoff expanse. Now typewrite the communication that appears during the log off countdown timer in the "Log off Message" box. and click on OK secure. Occlusive on "Preview" button to try the settings. Here a dwarfish dialog box testament seem with the claim "Auto log off in progress", it displays the countdown timer and log off content. Utter on Take then OK secure to move the operation.


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