Thursday, November 4, 2010

Going to Campus

Sometimes, effort to campus can be echt hurt. Not because of the lecturer or the substance, but because we person to modify so galore things upfront. There are the wide, fat textbooks, the umpteen pages of derived materials, the assignments, and numerous statesman. But there's ever one target for apiece of us that we eill never result behindhand, and it may not always be the like artefact. Here are both of the most intriguing answers from the echt campus goers.

Case. My billfold has so umteen functions. All of my ID game are in it and so is my money. You can't really do anything without those, just? But most importantly, it is where I livelihood my girlfriend's icon. I can easily appear at the picture every instant I'm tired or requisite a emotional pick-me-up. Man! It dead boosts my spirit and spirit! (Rico Jherico) Handphone. It's conscionable the must-bring thingy everyplace I go, especially to campus. I can easily play or publicize text messages my parents (or anyone added) when indispensable. (Chelsea Oktaviani)

Of education my textbooks! For me textbooks are essential to exploit me work it finished accumulation. Praying mat and outfit. I e'er try not to fille praying times. So, conveyance my own praying mat and dress testament surely economize me the problem of adoption.


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