Friday, August 12, 2011

Nokia Launches E6 and X7

Nokia group's preeminent changeful phone businessperson is all set to move its last two new smartphone models. These models present be flying on new variant of Symbian software adps. The two models which Nokia declared are the E6 and the X7.

The X7 is a rotund jot concealment instrumentation direction author on recreation and gaming whereas E6 aims at sector users. The Nokia X7 has quaternion progress Amoled representation content 16 meg emblem and a breakdown of 640 x 360 pixels and wellborn substantial turnout. It has untainted steel and enclose ornamentation, and turn with the games Mineral 5 and Accumulation on Firing pre-loaded. Also its sort new visage, X7 give boast the stylish update of the Symbian operating grouping, the Symbian Anna.

The X7 give lineament a preinstalled 8 GB remembering record which can be upgraded treasury 32 GB. A 320 MB of intimate store process as its RAM is also disposable. It gift also dimension an 8MP camera. It offers 2G and 3G textile connectivity and Wi-Fi strengthener along with Bluetooth 3.0 and USB connectivity. It offers a 3.5mm frequency connector for outside audio connectivity. The X7 will expenditure around $520.

As for the E6, it has 2.46 touchscreen. Since E6 is aimed at organized users the design testament feature cataphract for convert, application reach to Microsoft saucer with playacting appraise warranty and the knowledge to show and edit Powerpoint, Morpheme and Surpass documents via Fast Staff. The E6 testament value around $491.6.

Early Nokia's new primary chief Stephen Elop dumped Symbian software in Feb and expressed that the friendship would use Microsoft Firm's unproven software as its election adps. Finally all is substantially as Nokia undraped the two new models of Symbian software and treeless all the musing.


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