Bing is a new search engine developed by Microsoft that has been released. Bing is advertised by Microsoft to be a Decision Engine and it seems like there is a general feel, least enquiry, about bing search constituting serious competition to Google search. I am not big on their claims that we are all suffering a case of search overload. But the commercials are kind of clever in their patronizing way. Microsoft believe that bing will provide more better search result and it will beat Google. They believe their new search engine not as search engine, but it is a decision engine. Bing is the newest update from Microsoft live which almost die in this day. But at last Google still dominates. Google convincingly won everything, and where it counts most, search accuracy the company blew out its competitors, with 90 percent of respondents rating it excellent or good with compare other search engins like bing, yahoo, and more.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Google Still Dominates
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Role of Women
Women are very important because they nature the child and make him grow into man. The home is really made a heaven or hell by the woman in that house. A smiling face, sophisticated behavior, calm look and decent language from any woman will put any egoistic man in his proper place. They have the capacity and the charm to read the minds of others. Today many of them are not only mothers but also earning partners. This gives them economic independence. There are harmonious families which run smooth but some problems do creep in now and then. An intelligent and patient woman will find a solution to all these. She is not only doing the duty of looking after the home but also running an office which gives her a personality and a status. The children of such a mother develop self confidence and broadmindedness easily. A woman can make things better but if she wants she can mar it also in her desperation. It is our duty to provide her the right atmosphere to play her role in society.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Musical Instruments
There are many kinds of musical instruments. They are divided into three main classes according to the way they are played. For example, some instruments are played by blowing air into them. These are called wind instruments. In some of these, the air is made to vibrate inside a wooden tube, and these are said to be of the woodwind family. Examples of woodwind instruments are the flute, the clarinet and the bassoon. Other instruments are made of brass, the trumpet and the horn for example. There are also various other wind instruments such as the mouth organ and the bagpipe.
Some instruments are played by banging or striking them. One obvious example is the drum, of which there are various kinds. Instruments like this are called percussion instruments.
The last big group of musical instruments is the ones which have strings. There are two main kinds of stringed instruments. Those in which the music is made by plucking the strings, and those where the player draws a bow across the strings. Examples of the former are the harp and the guitar. Examples of the latter are the violin and the cello.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
There is an enemy beneath our feet. He recognizes no national boundaries, no political parties. Everyone in the world is threatened by him. The enemy is the earth itself. The power of the earthquake is greater than anything man himself can produce. But today, scientists are directing more of their efforts into finding someway of combating earthquakes, and it is possible that at sometime in the near future, mankind will have discovered a means of protecting itself from them. An earthquake strikes without warning. When it does, its power is immense. If it strikes a modern city, the damage it causes is as greater than when it strikes a primitive village. Gas mains burst. Bridges fall. If the quake strikes the sea, huge tidal waves sweep inland. That is tsunami. If it strikes in mountain regions, avalanches and landslides roar down into the valleys.
There are there large regions in the world where earthquakes are most likely to happen. Scientists call them earthquake zones. The first runs along the East Cost of the Asian continent, up through Japan, across Alaska, then down the West Coast of North America, crossing Mexico and ending somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. The second runs down the West Coast of South America. The third runs across the south of Europe and North Africa, through Greece and Turkey, and into the Middle of Asia. If you take a map of the world and mark on it the locations of all the major earthquakes in history, you will see that they have occurred mostly somewhere in these zones. So it is possible to say where they think earthquakes will strike, but they cannot say exactly when.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Eradication of Poverty is Not a Tough Task
To eliminate poverty from this country, I have a few suggestions. The Government, as well as the unofficial agencies, should ensure durable employment to every adult. If everyone in rural and urban areas is provided means of earning one’s livelihood, poverty would decrease substantially. After all, it is the lack of remunerative occupation that accounts for hunger and poverty. So the topmost priority should be given to provision of jobs to unemployed people, both men and women. The Government has from time to time announced schemes for alleviating poverty, but the implementation of these schemes is wholly unsatisfactory. The waste, corruption and inefficiency in this process must be eliminated with the earnest cooperation of all sections of the people. This waste and leakage at various levels must be stopped.
Of all the plans formulated during the past few years at a heavy cost, the minimum needs program is the most promising. Obviously, if the basic needs of the masses are effectively met, the main problem of poverty would be almost wholly solved. Then there is the question of soaring prices which have worsened the plight of the poor. The impact of low incomes of the mass of the people is thus compounded by the continuing fall-in the value if the rupee. High prices of the essential commodities, such as food, clothing and shelter, bring misery to the people.
Exploitation of the poor such as the landless is also a major problem that should be, systematically tackled. Vested interests prevent justice from being done to the poor in distribution of land and of essential commodities. Besides, it is the bureaucratic approach and excess of officialdom that are responsible for the inadequate relief being given to the poor and really needy people. Education can also play an important part in reducing distress. It would adequately equip the people with the requisite training and skills; these would increase their earning capacity.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Types of Fires
Fires are classified as Ground fire, Surface fire, and Crown fire.
Ground fire : It occur in such conditions where organic matter accumulates in heaps over the soil. The accumulation of the organic matter results in catching fire and it smolders appreciably for long periods. Fires of this type occur even under moist conditions and are flameless and subterranean. They kill almost all plants rooted in the burning material. However woody plants may survive under such conditions.
Surface fire : They occur along the ground surface rapidly. The flames burn away little living herbs and shrubs. The leaves of the trees are also scorched. In the absence of much of accumulation of litter under ground organisms and buried seeds may escape serious injury.
Crown fire : Fires of this kind occur in thick woody vegetation and spread from the crown of one plant to another. Such a fire is called crown fire. This types of fire consumes everything from the ground upwards and kills the whole plants. However many subterranean organisms and buried seeds are not destroyed if the ground in moist.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Marketing Tips
Complacence or overconfidence kills many companies than competitors. Ever take that you are low criticise, because you are. The most susceptible companies are the industry leaders, because they bang solon to lose. Protecting the time and perfecting the acquaint is not a morality track to discovery the time, but this is what the circulating leaders are doing.
The person process is benevolent ire. It is conniving to flak when you are existence attacked. That is a ceaseless attacking mart strategy is far solon eminent to a defending one. The ones to attack are the competitors. The physiologist insurance is "Do it to them before they do it to you". When Asian car manufacturers shortened the use period to half of what the Americans good way to turn is to love maintenance of the most big meet of people in any marketer's jock experience - customers. Advert Theodore Levitt's words "The utility of a playacting is to create and fastness a consumer happy".