Friday, September 18, 2009

My Favorite Leader

A leader is one who commands respect. It is involuntary. On seeing him, you adore him as a demi God. It is due to his sterling character, his sacrifices and his selfless service to the community at large. There had been many leaders who have played a great role in getting independence for our country.

My favorite leader is Jawaharlal Nehru. He thought of the problems of poverty and the teeming millions without work and food. He believed that India should be industrialized so that it could generate wealth and it could provide at least a morsel of food for its starving millions. Right from the day India became independent; Nehru worked tirelessly for its industrialization and paved the way for progress by the Five Year Plan. The Five Year Plans were so planned that the national income increased at least by 5% per annum. It was due to Nehru’s untiring efforts that India was raised to its great height in many fields. He set an example to the future young men. He shunned publicity and personal glory. It is the thought of the nation that reigned foremost in his mind. He brought respect to the nation from international forums by his Non aligned policy. I am proud of my leader Jawaharlal Nehru.


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