Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ten Year Old CEO

Do you know CEO means what? It is stands for Chief Executive Officer. Generally he is the one who the head of any corporation or company. He is the highest ranking executive in that company. And he is the main responsibilities include developing and implementing high level strategies, making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of a company. Do you know a 10 year old Malaysian kid has become the CEO of the two companies? Yes, he is a CEO of 'Sin Chew Daily' and 'Nanyang Siang Pau'. His name is Adi Putra Abdul Ghani. And also he delivers lecture at some universities. He got money from this about 1500 USD per hour.

Adi Putra Abdul Ghani has stopped going to school, when he attend fourth standard. His mom operates the two companies to selling vitamins under the brand name of Adi. He doesn't like to reading books, but he like to spending his time browsing the internet for study materials. His interested subjects are mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography and biology. His mom said he kept track of foreign stock markets via the Internet and studied at home. His future plan will study in Canada, Singapore or US.


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