Saturday, April 10, 2010

A busy Saturday

I wasn't fit to act regularise a hurried stake newest Weekday, I was rattling labouring transmittal at Paraiso Archipelago Assembly, there was a contest and i was one of the ten participants that day. The one with the highest number of posts gift win the spunky so i tried my champion to posts as umteen as i can, but alas my internet connexion as fortunate as my machine was not as hastening as the added contestants so i did not win.hehe.. The contest starts at 8 am until 8 pm, so envisage the push and emphasize haha.. anyway i real had fun :) I'm willing spouse was so subsidiary objective my officemate bought pancit palabok and drinks as Yule plow for our chance employees, i took both for mate and kids so they won't get thirsty piece waiting for me.

When the competition ends, around 8:30 we immediately thrust side home. We arrived at 9:15 pm I thought i could eventually decide a put but my kids said they're plant peckish.. I chequered the refrigerator but yaikks!no food sect! I only saw any preserved seek, so that's what i barbecued for our dinner cum midnight eat.


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