Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Favourite Hobby

All work and no play makes Jack a dull person. It is not possible to work hard with out rest or play. So we must have some leisure. We must know how to spend our leisure in the proper manner. The best way is to have a hobby. It gives us both pleasure and profit. Gardening is my favorite hobby. There is a fine garden around my house. I grow there vegetables, fruits and flowers. Whenever I find leisure, I work in my garden. Sometimes, I dig up the soil. I draw water from the well and water the plants. I look after the plants very carefully. I watch their growth from day to day. The plants and flowers give me great joy. I forget my cares and worries in their company. The vegetables, fruits and flowers are used by my family. Sometimes, I have enough of them to sell in the market. So I make some money also. Thus, my hobby helps me to lead a happy and healthy life. I learn a lot about plant life too.


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