Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life on Earth

Earth is the only planet so far known with the suitable environment for sustaining life. Land, water, air, plants and animals are the major components of the global environment, population food and energy are the three fundamental problems facing mankind. Unemployment, inflation crowding, dwindling resources and population are all due to the factors like increasing population, high standard of living, deforestation etc.

Man has been tampering with the Eco-sphere a very long time and is forced to recognize that environmental resources are scarce. Environmental problems are really social problems. They begin with people as cause and end with people as victims. Unplanned use of resource has resulted in the depletion of fossils, fuels, population of air and water, deforestation which has resulted in ecological balance and draining heavy of national wealth through heavy expenditure on oil and power generation.

Sustainable development is a process of social and economic well being. But to meet this end, we should ensure that the demand on the environment does not exceed its carrying capacity for the present as well as future generation. To quote in other way, environmental conservation is the present major demand. We must always remenber that God has given us this beautiful earth. A famous leader said,"There is enough in his world for everybody's need but not for everybody's greed". Thus, it becomes the duty of each and every individual to respect environment and preserve it for the future generation without polluting it.


Ramesh on March 4, 2010 at 9:10 PM said...

Dai delete this comment after reading. "" Terror's blog. Give me some idea to improve it da

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