Monday, January 18, 2010

Applications of Activated Carbon

There is a particular activated carbon that is effective for all purpose. Activated carbon adsorbers are commonly used for odour control. Activated carbon has different rates of adsorption for different substances. It is effective in removing hydrogen sulfide. The removal of odours depends on the concentration of the hydrocarbons in the odorous gas. Hydrocarbons are adsorbed preferentially before the compounds like H2S are removed. Activated carbon with its very great surface area and pore volume, removes colour from the solution.

Activated carbon is also used in cleaning sugar solution and for the removal of tastes from water supplies, vegetable and animal fats and oils, alcoholic beverages, chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The vapour adsorbent type of activated carbon is used in gas masks, because of its ability to adsorb poisonous gases. It is now employed in both military and industrial gas masks.

Activated carbon is used in air conditioning systems to control odours in large restaurants, auditorium, etc. Activated carbon adsorbs practically any organic solvent at about 35 degree centigrade and releases it when heated to 120 degree centigrade or higher for solvent recovery. It specially impregnated grades are used in cigarette filters.


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