Sunday, January 3, 2010

Usefulness of Trees

Many kinds of trees are found in the world. Most of them are very useful to man. Man needs fire to cook his food. Trees give him firewood in plenty. They attract rain bearing clouds and cause rain. Places where trees are found in large numbers have generally good rain. Forests also product underground springs. We need timber for building houses and sheds. Wood is also required for making boxes and furniture. Forest trees yield many valuable things like turpentine, rubber and resin. Paper is made out of wood pulp.

The trees growing in our gardens bear rich fruit like the orange, the mango and the apple. Food articles like tamarind and coconut are got from trees. The leaves of some trees are cooked and eaten with food. The leaves of some others serve as herbs. The nuts and barks of such trees are also valuable. Birds have their homes in trees. They build their nests there and live in them. Thus we see that trees are very useful to man, bird, and beast.


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