Saturday, October 3, 2009

Young People Most Often Disagree Than Agree With Their Parents

Young people generally disagree with their parents and other elders on many things. This is a widely know phenomenon and is by no means confined to India. It is an almost universal trend for which no corrective is easy to apply. The reasons which account for this phenomenon are the same in all cases. Let us stud a few possible reasons. The main reason is the generation gap. The view point of young boys and girls differs in most cases from that of their parents; the approach, the attitude and the concept of various things have substantially changed with the time. While the elders think and rightly too that their viewpoint is based on long years of experience, a whole life time events, the young people regard the elders as old fashioned and totally out of touch with the fast changed world. Actually, the story of civilization is marked by two mutually opposite forces, change and continuity. Without change and progress the human race would have remained stationary. The dynamics of change are vital indeed.

The sprit of defiance is a widespread phenomenon. There is indiscipline in almost all areas of life the home, the office, the playfield, schools, colleges, universities and more. The causes of this disheartening state of affairs are the same. Discipline is a vanishing feature of life today and the disagreements of the younger generation with the older generation in natural in the circumstances. Basically, it is a question of mutual adjustment. The stand and attitudes of the older generation are rigid and inflexible, The attitude of young boys and girls are determined by the new system of education, the winds of change, the least developments in telecommunications, the films and TV serials, the new type of literature the boys and girls read, the negligent acts of politicians, the leaders of trade unions, including those belonging to the teaching community and other educated classes. All these cumulatively make an impact of the students of all ages. The times are gone when there was implicit and unquestioned compliance with instructions and orders of elders.


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